You don't want a wedding videographer

Now, I know this might ruffle some feathers. You might even be questioning why I, Joe Torres would say you don’t want a wedding videographer after all there are films all over this website. Well, because you want a Wedding Filmmaker instead! Now terminology wise you might not think it’s so different and when it comes to talking with clients it might not but here is what you need to understand. A videographer is someone who is just a camera operator, capturing literally what’s happening as it happens and throwing some music over it. A filmmaker on the other hand is going to include cinematography techniques, storytelling, music, most importantly audio to craft not just a video that will be great for today, or a month after the wedding, but a film that will be viewed for years to come. A wedding filmmaker is crafting a film, you should be taken on an emotional rollercoaster from smiling and laughing to even crying. Where you can hear your best man getting choked up as he says his speech, or your guest cheering as you walk down the aisle together as husband and wife for the first time.

It’s not just for you. I hate to say this but the reality is at some point in your life you’ll lose someone closest to you from your wedding. It might be a parent, an uncle or aunt, a sibling, or even a best friend, maybe a grandparent. During a funeral we always have a slideshow showing moments in that persons life, maybe it’s a celebration or photos of them at the family bbq, or holidays. Imagine getting to hear their laugh one more time, or a speech, or your grandmother saying how beautiful you look in your dress. That’s the importance and beauty in having a wedding film. Having something that goes beyond the wedding day and is the visual representation of your legacy.

Here are some other 5 key tips to look for when hiring a wedding filmmaker:

1) Personal Connection

One significant advantage of hiring a wedding filmmaker is the personal connection we build with you as a couple. While most weddings follow a familiar format, every single wedding is absolutely different and it’s because of you! Your story between you and your partner is different than an other couple. We want to take the time to get to know you personaly, your story, and your preferences, the things that matter not just on the wedding day, but to you as a person. This connection allows for genuine moments and emotions to be captured that reflect who you are as a couple. I want every time you look at your wedding film you say “That’s us!”. A wedding videographer may simply record what's happening, missing the personal touch that makes your wedding film unique. This personal touch is what makes your wedding film feel more intimate and meaningful.

2) Quality over Quantity:

Filmmakers prioritize quality over quantity. Instead of providing you with hours of raw footage, your film is carefully curated and edited to create a concise and impactful film. Think of it as a Michellin Star Chef crafting a meal for you. How the dish is prepped as well as their own expertise and signature flavors, delivers a dish that creates an experience. The same goes for your wedding film, this means every moment in your wedding film serves a purpose, making it more enjoyable to watch. Every music choice and edit is intentionally made to make you feel reconnected with each scene. A lifetime worth of memories being crafted together so when your children’s children watch it they know exactly what love looks like up close.

3) Audio is the “IT” factor

A lot of wedding videographers will simply throw music over your video and call it a day. However, you didn’t just write your vows over night the day you met your partner, or maybe you did! No judgement. Regardless vows, letters, first look reactions, and toast have something photography can’t recreate. Which is audio, you can’t hear those vows in a photo. You can imagine them but what about word for word the most heartfelt portions of those vows? What about that letter you stood up the night before writing out how excited you are for this journey with your partner? Just like in actual films, audio plays a key role. From spoken word to the sounds of the environment, a filmmaker understands when and where to use audio to elevate your wedding film.

4) Cinematgraphy

I could probably write an entire post on cinematography, but I’ll keep it brief. Filmmakers understand how to use light and shadow to convey depth, emotion and movement in a film. This is essentially the eye candy. Think of any Christopher Nolan film like Interstellar, or the latest Batman movie or any movie that visually looked amazing. Cinematography is overall how the film looks, from interesting angles to color and everything being cohesive in scenes. Instead of everything looking like it was done on your phone’s native camera app at full brightness, or just as it’s happening. To me this is what visually separates a wedding videographer from a wedding filmmaker.

5) Story Driven

You ever watch a movie and you FELT something? You felt what a character was going through? Well that’s story. Story is the entire reason you are here. It’s the single most important aspect to any film. A film could look beautiful but if it has no drive, no emotion, no connection then it’s just like an overly posed photo. It’s just pretty. If on the other hand you laughed, you cried, you smiled, you felt hope, or connection to characters, or people in the film that is story. A filmmaker’s entire goal with every film is to tell a story. In the case of a wedding filmmaker it is your story, your legacy, not just a highlight of your wedding but the experience of who you are and a documentation of one of the biggest and foundational days of your life. All the little things and big things that scream you.

If you’ve made it this far, I hope you understand why having a wedding filmmaker is so essential and truly what to look for. If you are planning an intimate home wedding, large ballroom and even destination, I would love to be a part of it. I’d love to chat personally if you have more questions or want to include a wedding filmmaker for your big day, feel free to fill the contact form here . I can’t wait to make beautiful, authentic, and soulful memories together!


Intimate Garden Style Boho Wedding at Terrain Events in Glen Mills, PA - Rachel and Jeremy


Maritime Parc, NJ Wedding Video - Michelle and Evan